Welcome to The Future of Software Development: Powered by Telemetry, Security, and AI
the future of software development, is powered by telemetry, security, and AI - which was the topic of our talk. Learn how we are enabling that future.
the future of software development, is powered by telemetry, security, and AI - which was the topic of our talk. Learn how we are enabling that future.
NCM GitHub App: Secure your Node.js and JavaScript applications against third-party package vulnerabilities.
Secure code with NCM - vulnerability scanning, real-time reports, and control deployments based on analysis. Part of N|Solid Platform.
NCM: Safeguarding Node.js Applications with Next-Generation Security in N|Solid
NCM in N|Solid is the secure way to use Node.js packages.Certification guarantees no security vulnerabilities or unverified code in modules or dependencies.
Learn to use NCM Desktop to triage vulnerabilities in your dependency tree, regardless of if they're top-level or deeply nested.
We've shipped N|Solid 3.4.0, NCM Desktop Beta 3 and an update to NodeSource Accounts
We're excited to launch NodeSource Insiders, a program with the aim of equipping developers with the latest and greatest Node.js and JavaScript tooling.
We've shipped an update to the NCM Desktop Beta, featuring a suite of enhancements and squashed bugs!
We're now offering a mix of product & support in an integrated platform offering – with two new product tiers, focusing on making NodeSource more accessible
We're excited to to finally be able to share the release of the NCM Desktop Application Beta, NodeSource Accounts, and N|Solid 3.3.
This release features critical enhancements to our Certification Scoring, improvements in package vulnerability scanning, and improved whitelisting.