Strengthening Node.js Security: NodeSource-GitHub Partnership
NCM GitHub App: Secure your Node.js and JavaScript applications against third-party package vulnerabilities.
NCM GitHub App: Secure your Node.js and JavaScript applications against third-party package vulnerabilities.
Secure code with NCM - vulnerability scanning, real-time reports, and control deployments based on analysis. Part of N|Solid Platform.
NCM: Safeguarding Node.js Applications with Next-Generation Security in N|Solid
We are confident we're the best APM solution for Node. js-based applications; if you are using Node, you should be using our runtime.
N|Solid v4.8.0 introduces: Distributed Tracing & OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry TraceAPI | OpenTelemetry ecosystem | OpenTelemetry Protocol(OTLP) over HTTP
NCM in N|Solid is the secure way to use Node.js packages.Certification guarantees no security vulnerabilities or unverified code in modules or dependencies.
N|Solid v4.7.4 contains stability improvements and bug fixes! Node.js v14.20.0 (LTS) & Node.js v16.16.0 (LTS).
We've shipped N|Solid 3.4.0, NCM Desktop Beta 3 and an update to NodeSource Accounts