Last Week in Node.js Working Groups - August 28th
Last week the community saw a suite of further discussion digging into issues and topics we'd been discussing since the prior week a bit more. We saw public meetings from both the TSC and the Community Committee, in addition to an entirely private Board meeting.
Here's a quick recap of some of the new work and discussions from the WGs and other repos in the Node.js GitHub org last week:
📰 News from the Working Groups
- The CTC and TSC have officially re-merged into a single entity, a step that’s been discussed for some time.
- There TSC Director + Chair elections that were initiated last week, along with on-going Community Committee Chair elections.
- Discussion has continued around moving efforts around Internationalization into the Community Committee
- An issue started in the TSC was started to discuss a Moderation Team for the Node.js Org.
- A discussion was started in the CommComm repo around WG process and collaboration in the Website WG was opened.
📦 Project Releases
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