10 Talks You Can't Miss at Nodevember 2017
Are your ready to shake off your post turkey haze at Nodevember, come monday? Several members of the NodeSource team will be headed out to meet up with you and talk shop.
In case your first read through of the Nodevember schedule has left you feeling a little overwhelmed (there are so many good talks this year!), we’ve collected ten talks to put on your "must see" list.
Day 1:
Learn About Nodebots: Node.js + Robotics + IoT Workshop
When: Monday, November 27th, 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Who: Gabrielle Crevecoeur What: Go one step beyond the browser and leverage your existing JavaScript skills to explore the possibilities of hardware. In this workshop we will go step by step on how Node can be used to control a microcontroller, gather and store device data and of course you will leave with a functioning Nodebot.
The Node.js Event Loop: Not So Single Threaded
When: Monday, November 27th, 2:20 - 2:50 pm
Who: Bryan Hughes
What: Node.js is used by so many people, and everyone wants to increase performance of their code. The event loop and it's relationship with asynchronous code and multithreading is generally not well understood though. As it turns out, asynchronous code in Node.js is multi-threaded under the hood. Learning how this works enables developers to write better code, because they understand the implications of their code. This talk will help people write more performant applications.
Intro to Docker: Fixing the "it works on my machine" Problem
When: Monday, November 27th, 3:10 - 3:40 pm
Who: Jared M. Smith
What: Developers often struggle with the problem of "the code works on my machine, why doesn't work on yours?". Docker, a tool to more easily develop and deploy software that addresses this problem, is changing the tech world, from quicker deployments to massive scalability, it's all possible with Docker.
Kubernetes at npm
When: Monday, November 27th, 4:00 - 4:30 pm
Who: Alex Robson
What: Alex Robson is a full-stack software engineer who spends a lot of time thinking about systems design and ops automation. He currently enjoys working at npm where he helps keep the packages flowing.
Day 2:
It’s Not Dark Magic - Pulling Back the Curtains From Your Stylesheets
When: Tuesday, November 28th, 9:15 - 10:15 am
Who: Aimee Knight
What: JavaScript developers are often puzzled when CSS renders in unexpected ways. It’s not dark magic though. This talk focuses on why CSS behaves the way it does. We'll deep diving into browser internals to see how CSS is parsed and rendered so we can debug our styles just like we do our JavaScript.
10KB or Bust: The Delicate Power of Webpack and Babel
When: Tuesday, November 28th, 10:35 - 11:05 am
Who: Brian Holt
What: Brian is currently working as a staff user interface engineer at LinkedIn and he finds it strange that his employer sends him recruiter spam. Previously he was an engineer at Netflix and Reddit. When not working, Brian finds time to teach on Frontend Masters, run his mouth on Front End Happy Hour, travel all over the world, and play with his adorable dog. Brian is currently a resident of San Francisco, CA.
APIs, But Better: An Intro to GraphQL and Apollo
When: Tuesday, November 28th, 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Who: Eve Porcello
What: Heard of GraphQL and Apollo but weren’t sure where to get started? Went to a talk that had you totally excited until you got back to work and your dreams were quashed by your REST overlords? In this workshop, you'll learn all of the basics of GraphQL in a fun, useful, and hands-on workshop.
Asynchrony: Under the Hood
When: Tuesday, November 28th, 1:30 - 2:00 pm
Who: Shelley Vohr
What: This talk will explore the conceptual underpinnings of asynchronous programming options available to modern javascript developers in 2017, and the drawbacks and advantages to each.
Let’s JavaScript Like It’s 1927
When: Tuesday, November 28th, 1:30 - 2:00 pm
Who: Mike Lazer-Walker
What: Have you ever wanted to hack on old hardware? Make cross-platform games? Let’s explore how cross-platform JavaScript can open up a world of possibilities to make games and weird interactive experiences that combine the digital and physical in new and exciting ways.
A Shiny New Way of Rendering
When: Tuesday, November 28th, 4:00 - 4:30 pm
Who: Ryan Tablada
What: This talk looks at how Glimmer.js and Ember.js take a different approach to rendering and what can be learned by all frameworks. Through examples, the talk shows how the Glimmer rendering engine along with HTMLBars continues to get more performant and where more optimizations could come from.
See you in Nashville! 👋