Last Week in Node.js Working Groups - May 22, 2017 - NodeSource

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Last Week in Node.js Working Groups - May 22, 2017

The last week was the prelude to the release of Node.js 8 - an important milestone for the project. There was a great amount of activity around the project on both new technical directions and community-centric efforts.

  • Discussion around use cases Web Workers in Node.js was started in the first issue in a new nodejs/workers repo. Feedback welcome!
  • Downloads of the Node.js binaries from are no longer packaged for RHEL5/CentOS5
  • Work is being done on a universal Node.js Installer desktop app, based on Electron in the nodejs/installer repo
    • Interested in helping? The group is looking to build out an MVP right now and would like help!
  • The Node.js Community Committee has several discussions going on around:

Last Week’s Node.js Foundation Meetings:

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