Last Week in Node.js Working Groups - February 27, 2017 - NodeSource

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Last Week in Node.js Working Groups - February 27, 2017

Over the last week the Node.js Working Groups have seen another week of healthy activity. Some key highlights are a kickoff of a new repo for the redesign of the Node.js website, a slide deck for the WIP new native API (also known as NAPI), and continued work on node-gyp compatibility with Visual Studio.

Weekly Highlights

  • โœจ The Website WG has kicked off a new repo to house plans for a redesign of [Repository]
  • ๐Ÿ’ The API WG has created a slide deck on the work-in-progress new native API (NAPI). [PDF]
    • This was presented at a recent VM Summit as planned here.
  • ๐Ÿ”œ Visual Studio 2017 compatibility for node-gyp is nearly complete. [Pull Request]
  • โšก๏ธ The Korean WG has steadily continued to translate new Node.js blog posts for quite some time. [Commits]

WG Project Releases

  • No WG releases this week.

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