Node.js and JavaScript conferences you should attend in 2020
Happy new year! The beginning of the year is always a great time to set goals, and plan for future events and conferences. If you are wondering what JavaScript conferences to attend this year (or which awesome places to visit), which speakers to follow, or which event to sponsor, we have created a list of some of the best and most popular conferences focused on Node.js and JavaScript!
They are separated by region: America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, each in order of the event date.
JSConf Hawai'i
Location and date: Alohilani Resort, HI. February 5-7
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: | @JSConfHi
This second annual JavaScript conference held at the Alohilani Resort, is slated for February 2020!
Attendees are given the opportunity to listen to a panel of amazing speakers, meet new people, and enjoy the activities Hawaiʻi has to offer!
VueConf US
Location and date: Austin, USA. March 2-4
List of Speakers: here
More info: here | @vueconfus
This conference is hosted by the creator of Vue.js and the core team. You can learn to design better processes to design, build, debug and deploy faster and Inspire new ideas to use on projects within your company.
OpenJS World
Location and date: Austin, TX. June 23-24
CFP: here
Sponsorships available: here
The OpenJS Foundation is excited to announce the new name of the global conference: OpenJS World!
The conference will be representative of all 32 hosted projects and attendees will be able to collaborate face-to-face, network, and learn how to be great stewards of the JavaScript language. From frontend to backend, serverless to IoT, there are many opportunities for developers to level up their skills. The program will cover the broad spectrum of the JavaScript ecosystem, it's technologies as well as those who utilize it.
NodeConf Colombia
Location and date: Medellin, Colombia. July 10-11
CFP: will open soon
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @NodeConfCo
NodeSource’s VP of Engineering, Adrián Estrada it’s organizing this amazing conference.
NodeConf Colombia 2019 is focused on the entire Node.js ecosystem. It’s a non-profit event, where the attendees will be sharing in an environment of inclusion and respect, having access to relevant information through talks, workshops, and great experiences with the Colombian Node community!
React Week '20
Location and date: New York, U.S.A. July 14-18
CFP/List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @reactweek
5 days of fun with react. You will learn some case studies, inspiring success and failure stories, tools and libraries, deep dives and advanced features of React and React Native, Redux, MobX, GraphQL and others.
JavaScript and Friends Conference
Location and date: Columbus,Ohio, U.S.A. August 13-14
CFP/List of Speakers: will open soon
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @JSFriendsConf
The JavaScript and Friends Conference (JS&Friends) is a not-for-profit conference, organized by a team of volunteers. The organizers are active or aspiring software professionals, who are excited to bring together a diverse group of JavaScript enthusiasts and friends to learn and network. With this conference, the organizers want to contribute to the cultivation of a welcoming, inclusive, and dynamic tech scene throughout the midwestern United States, and beyond!
Vue.js Amsterdam
Location and date: Amsterdam. February 20-21
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @vuejsamsterdam
The World’s largest Vue.js Conference. 25+ Vue.js core members and experts, 2000+ attendees, global audience from 50+ countries, 2 full days of talks.
Location and date: London, U.K. March 27
CFP/List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @cityjsconf
React, and GraphQL Workshops
11 International Speakers
all about Frameworks, React, Vue, Testing, IoT, NodeJS
This is a great opportunity for the JavaScript community to be updated on innovative changes around the industry, absorb knowledge while you can hop on and off thought-provoking workshops and talks.
Location and date: London, UK. April 2
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here
GenerateJS is a brand new single-day conference offering web designers and devs a distilled dose of skills and insight from true giants of JavaScript.
The organizers promise attendees the opportunity for networking with fellow devs, grill JS experts, check out great web tech and unwind with some of their Creative Bloq break activities.
JS Fest
Location and date: Kyiv, Ukraine. April 3-4
CFP: here
List of Speakers: here
More info: here
The biggest JavaScript conference in Ukraine.
JS Fest is an international conference covering all aspects of JavaScript development. It is one of the biggest JS conferences in Eastern Europe and brings together hundreds of experienced like-minded people.
The conference will be held for the 4th time and will bring together speakers from 10 countries.
JS Kongress
Location and date: Munich, Germany. April 15-16
List of Speakers: here
More info: here | @JSKongress
The focus of JS Kongress 2020 is Scaling JS – Pushing the Limits: Massive Platforms, Data-Driven Architectures, and Modern APIs.
The #DeepTrack is about all things JavaScript. Participants are encouraged to shape the program and submit speaking proposals.
React Summit Amsterdam
Location and date: Amsterdam, Netherlands. April 17
CFP: here
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @ReactAmsterdam
A full-day, two-track conference on all things React, gathering Front-end and Full-stack engineers across the globe in the tech heart of Europe.
Next to the main conference day, a number of hands-on workshops, pre-party meetups, and mini conferences will be available throughout the week.
International JavaScript Conference
Location and date: London, U.K. April 20-22
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @JavaScriptCon
Angular, React, Vue.js, NativeScript, Electron, Node.js: Attendees can find out how to use JavaScript from frontend to backend, for native mobile, desktop apps, and even cloud native development.
App.js Conf
Location and date: Krakow, Poland. April 23-24
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @appjsconf
The very first Expo & React Native conference in Europe. A hands-on two-day conference with workshops and talks on React Native from Expo and Software Mansion.
15+ talks, 500 devs, 4 workshops.
Location and date: Cluj, Romania. April 22
Speakers will be announced in February 2020
Held on the 22 and 24th of April 2020, this 2 days conference starts with a full day of workshops on the 22th. Participants are encouraged to send workshop ideas via Twitter. The organizers are happy to hear from you.
Location and date: Verona, Italy. May 12-13
Sponsorships available: here
JSDay 2020 is a one-day conference where community members from around the world come together to learn and share information about the latest trends and technologies in professional JS development.
Location and date: Paris, France. May 14-15
CFP: here
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @reacteurope
ReactEurope is historically the place where many new industry standards in the React community are revealed to the world. This included the first public demo of redux and time travel, the release of GraphQL, react native reanimated, mobx-state-tree and more.
Location and date: Amsterdam, Netherlands. June 3-5
CFP: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @amsterdamjs
The conference unites library authors and core teams with fresh ideas, great people, during Amsterdam’s charming summer. The organizers recognize JavaScript development as an art of engineering, and that's why the conference offers both a JS-driven art exhibition and audiovisual performances during the afterparty. After the event,
attendees get to explore the well-known Amsterdam museums together, before gathering for a JS hangout in the Vondelpark.
JScamp Barcelona
Location and date: Barcelona, Spain. July 16-17
List of Speakers: here
Participants get to learn best practices and case studies from different developer tools, new frameworks, platforms and techniques across the Web stack.
JSConf Budapest
Location and date: Budapest, Hungary. September 24-25
CFP: here
Sponsorships available: here
JSConf Budapest welcomes everybody! This single-track conference covers a wide variety of JavaScript topics, including: Accessibility, Web APIs, testing, performance, algorithms and others.
A strictly nonprofit, open-sourced and community driven conference for the community of JavaScript, with the purpose to build and educate about new technologies, ideas and culture.
Location and date: Delhi, India. February 29th
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here
ng-India is the largest gathering of Anguar community in India. With around 500 people expected at 2020 edition, attendees will have the possibility to meet the creators of Anguarl, RxJS Core team members, GDE, MVP and authors coming form different countries.
Location and date: Tel Aviv, Israel. March 3rd
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
The organizers are thrilled to announce the first Node.js international conference in Tel Aviv, Israel.
They promise close interactions with the Node.js community in Israel and all over the world. Node.js-IL & EventHandler productions bring you the first-ever 100% Node.js focused conference in Israel
Location and date: St. Petersburg, Russia. April 10-11
CFP: here
List of Speakers: here
More info: here | @HolyJSconf
HolyJS 2020 Piter will be the ninth in a row JavaScript conference held by the JUG Ru Group. More than 1000 JS developers will be brought together to discuss the present and future of the JavaScript community with the world's leading experts. It intends to feature dozens of frontend talks and much more; focusing on both backend and desktop development.
React Day Bangalore!
Location and date: Bangalore, India. April 25
CFP: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @ReactDayIn
React Day Bangalore is a one-day conference fully packed with amazing talks and panel-discussions on topics related to React and React Native. Participants get an opportunity to network with 500+ enthusiastic React developers at this conference.
Location and date: Tel Aviv, Israel. May 11
CFP: here
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @halfstackconf
According to the organizers, this conference is for Front-end / Web / JavaScript / Mobile / IoT developers and decision makers. The conference features a focus on participants from the Tel Aviv area, with some from other parts of the world. It is positioned as an authentic, high value experience for attendees and sponsors focused on UI-centric JavaScript and web development.
FullStack Day New Zeland
Location and date: Auckland, New Zealand. March 18-19
CFP: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @fullstacknz
Full Stack Day is an independent conference for web professionals who want to learn more about backend & frontend development, DevOps, data, mobile and IoT.
Full Stack Day will take place over two days in Auckland, New Zealand. The organizers are expecting 150+ attendees that will come together in one place to share knowledge and engage with each other about shaping the future of the web , learn more about front end, back end, DevOps, design and anything in between.
ReactConf AU
Location and date: Pyrmont NSW. February 27-28
List of Speakers: here
Sponsorships available: here
More info: here | @reactconfau
ReactConf AU is the biggest gathering of local and international React developers ever to take place in the Southern Hemisphere. ReactConf AU is brought to you by Thinkmill.
It is a great opportunity to learn stuff, hang out with the global React community, and make React history in Australia’s famous Sydney Harbour during summer.
There are no listed conferences in Africa, but if you spot one please send us an DM on twitter.
One Last Thing...
If you want to keep up to date on the Node.js community and what's happening across the ecosystem, you should be sure to check out @NodeSource on Twitter. We try to spread the word as far and wide as possible about the awesome things that are always happening in the community.