Node.js Interactive North America 2016 - Recap
We had the pleasure to attend Node.js Interactive North America in Austin, Texas this year. The event featured speakers from NodeSource, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Intel, Alibaba, Salesforce, Auth0, Dynatrace, Homeaway, Carnegie Mellon University,, Snyk, Docker, and many more. There were also a variety of independent speakers who are contributors to open-source projects that power a wide variety of Node.js applications.
Here's our quick recap of #NodeInteractive, featuring some of our favorite sessions from the event. Enjoy!
Mission Critical Node.js with Joe McCann of NodeSource
One of the keynotes on the first day, Joe McCann (CEO, NodeSource) presented a talk about mission critical Node.js. Joe was able to announce an entirely new product line, NodeSource Certified Modules, that's focused on security, reliability, and support for modules in the Node.js ecosystem. Additionally, Joe was able to announce the availability of N|Solid on the AWS Marketplace with a 1-click deploy, and a partnership with Snyk, a vulnerability monitoring solution for Node.js.
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State of the Union: Node.js with Rod Vagg of NodeSource
During the closing set of Keynotes on Day 2 of Node Interactive, Rod Vagg (Chief Node Officer, NodeSource) presented a State of the Union (an American phrase, as Rod pointed out) for Node.js. In the presentation, he outlined the growth and success of Node.js over 2016 - which has, amazingly, surpassed what the project and community experienced in 2015.
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Express, State of the Union with Doug Wilson
Another Keynote of the first day, Doug Wilson (TC member, Express) was able to give an overview of Express as a project, in addition to explaining the structure of Express and the two sub-organizations (PillarJS and jshttp) and that are part Express as a project.
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The Diversity Experiment, v0.0.1 with Sara Itani of Microsoft
Sara takes a look at diversity & inclusivity and ways we can promote positive experiences to drive
change. She dives into the difficulties of promoting diversity and some of the ways to move forward past them.
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HomeAway’s Node Journey with Patrick Ritchie
In his keynote presentation, Patrick Ritchie (Tech Lead, HomeAway) gave a history of the tech stack at HomeAway, and gave us some insight into how it's evolved as the available technologies have evolved. One key takeaway was that, for HomeAway, Node.js isn't a all-or-nothing bet - it's part of their polyglotism as a company.
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How China Does Node with Shiya Luo of Autodesk
This talk covers some of the differences that Node.js developers in China face. Hear how day to day
tools, choice of framework, and even user expectations can vary widely from what other developers face.
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Math in V8 is Broken and How We Can Fix It with Athan Reines
This presentation by Athan Reines (Fourier) took a look at the Standard Library for mathematics in JavaScript. Athan found that there are issues in how there are underlying issues in V8's implementations of math functions can provide dramatically different results than should be expected when doing more complex, intensive mathematical calculations.
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Growing Up Node with Trevor Livingston
In his talk, Trevor Livingston (Principle Architect, HomeAway) gives an overview on how to really grow Node.js as a company and a culture internally. Discussing the mindset, strategies, and paths a business can take to grow Node.js into a sustainable platoform for growth as a company from initial adoption.
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Taking on Genetically Evolving Cellular Automata with JavaScript with Irina Shestak of Small Media Foundation
Irina dives into cellular automata, teaching us what it even is. Learn how cellular automata can be genetically evolved,
what ways we can create rule sets to guide their evolution, and use them to help solve problems in the real world. All in
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Buzzword Bingo: Architecting a Cloud-Native Internet Time Machine with Ross Kukulinski
Immutability on the Internet has been an interest and a concern of many. In this talk, Ross Kukulinski (Product Manager, NodeSource), outlined the structure for the Cloudy Time Machine - an attempt to duplicate the Wayback Machine by the Internet Archive as a cloud-native application, using Kubernetes and Docker.
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Contributing to Node.js: Coding Not Required with William Kapke
In this talk, William Kapke (Kap Co, LLC) that discusses some of the problems he's encountered with the previous governance model. William goes into some detail about how the Node.js Foundation works, and how the organization is strucutred, in addition to giving a primer on how the project works with and on GitHub.
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Looking Forward
Node Interactive NA 2016 was an absolutely fantastic event. So many people, with an impressive line up of speakers, and an absolutely amazing surrounding community. We're excited to see how the community develops even further over the next year until the next Node Interactive NA - we'll see you then!