Need to Node – Volume 48
In this volume of Need to Node, you can find the latest updates on the Node v10.16.1 (LTS) release, a cartoon guide to the Node.js EcmaScript Modules, and information on an upcoming webinar: Getting Started with NodeSource and AWS Lambda.
Check out this week’s Need to Node to keep up to date with the latest news on the Node.js project, events, and awesome articles. You are always welcome to collaborate and participate!
What’s New in the Node.js Project
- Node v10.16.1 (LTS) Released, not a big release, but the minor change focuses on upgrade OpenSSL sources to 1.1.1c (bug-fix focused, not security). Also a small fix on Stream and Worker:
- EcmaScript modules: A cartoon deep-dive ES modules bring an official, standardized module system to JavaScript. It took awhile to get here though — nearly 10 years of standardization work. With this blog post you can get a deeper understanding of ES modules and how they work - by Lin Clark
- A Pragmatic Overview of Async Hooks API in Node.js in this blog post, you can see some real-world use cases for this API - by Andrey Pechkurov
- New Node.js 12 features will see it disrupt AI, IoT and more surprising areas - by Adam Polak
- A Demo of Node's Forthcoming New Diagnostic Report Tool At this week’s Node.js Diagnostics WG meeting, Chris Hiller gave a demo of some new tooling around diagnostic reports
Awesome Articles, Links, and Resources
- If you want to get more familiar with NodeSource products, register for our webinar! Getting Started with NodeSource and AWS Lambda
- Monorepos and npm. A ‘monorepo’ is when you store the code for numerous projects or modules in a single repository, rather than keeping them separate. Lerna is a popular tool for working with monorepos with npm, but npm 7 will introduce first-class monorepo support.
- NodeJS logging made right in this article you can learn how to create trace IDs and dig deep into how you can utilize Proxy to make it work with ANY logger - by Andrey Goncharov
- Control Chrome from Node.js with Puppeteer Puppeteer is Google's official npm module for controlling Chrome via Node.js. Using Puppeteer, you can open up a Chrome browser, navigate to an arbitrary page, and interact with the page by executing arbitrary JavaScript - by Valeri Karpov
- Top 4 Tactics To Keep Node.js Rockin’ in Docker Four tips for using Node in a Dockerized environment - by Bret Fisher
- How to build a real time chat application in Node.js using Express, Mongoose and - by Arun Mathew Kurian
- Looking at the Optional Chaining ES Proposal Boils down the proposal to the need to know essentials.
One Last Thing...
If you find any awesome Node.js or JavaScript things over the next week (or beyond!), never hesitate to reach out to us on Twitter at @NodeSource to share and get it included in Need to Node - our DMs are open if you don’t want to share publicly!