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N|Solid 1.2 – Filtering & Tags


NSolid 1.2 includes new filtering functionality in the Cluster View for quickly focussing on groups of processes:

Focussing on groups of processes

You can filter processes by various attributes including pid, host, process title and tag.

Focusing on a single process

The filter input offers helpful auto-completion suggestions:

Autocomplete Examples


Tags were also introduced in N|Solid 1.2 and allow for strings of arbitrary metadata to be associated with a process. This can be useful for process identification and grouping. Each process can be assigned any number of tags on startup via the NSOLID_TAGS environment variable:

> NSOLID_TAGS='us-east-1,role:login' nsolid app.js

For detail on what constitutes a valid tag, see the NSOLID_TAGS documentation.

Once you've assigned some tags to processes, tags can be used as filters in the Cluster View:

Filtering groups of processes

This is only the first release for both filtering and tags, so expect many improvements and additional features in future versions. Check out tagging and filtering in N|Solid for yourself.

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