EnterpriseJS D.C. Recap - NodeSource

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EnterpriseJS D.C. Recap

EnterpriseJS D.C. was last week, and had an awesome set of speakers from Social Tables, Capital One, and The Advisory Board Company discussing how they have implemented Node successfully to grow their companies to attain speedy and successful product development.

A huge thank you to The Advisory Board Company for hosting EnterpriseJS D.C. in their offices, as well as NodeDC for partnering with EnterpriseJS for this event!

Here's our quick recap of EnterpriseJS D.C., with some bonus highlights from Twitter during the event.

Testing Your Whole Infrastructure with Docker Compose and Node

With Dan Dombrowsky - Twitter - LinkedIn

Dan gave us a demo of how to successfully use Docker Compose as a tool to orchestrate Node.js applications using standard tooling across multiple Docker containers to achieve a unified application deploy that will work in both the development and the production.

Node.js at Capital One

With Mitch Pertle - Twitter - GitHub - LinkedIn

Mitch shared the story of how Capital One uses Node around the company for a variety of different problems.

Because of the business they're in - finance - Capital One has faced a slew of rules and regulations that most companies normally wouldn't encounter.

Despite this, Capital One has found Node.js to be an asset that has grown inside the company - and has a bright future continuing on that path.

Node & JavaScript in the Healthcare Enterprise: The Advisory Board Company’s journey

With Emmanuel (Manny) Addo Narh - Twitter - GitHub - LinkedIn

Manny gave us insight into Node, npm, and the development journey of The Advisory Board Company, with a view into what the struggles and successes of using Node at The Advisory Board Company have been.

He discussed the ways that The Advisory Board Company has used Node to overcome “enterprise constraints” to achieve a vibrant and cooperative inner-source community within The Advisory Board Company.

Wrapping Up

We had a fantastic time at EnterpriseJS D.C. Thanks to everyone who came out, in addition to The Advisory Board Company for hosting at their beautiful offices, and NodeDC for partnering with EnterpriseJS for their September meetup!

Just one more thing...

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