Announcing the NodeSource CFP - Calling all Node.js & JavaScript Speakers
Today we’re excited to be announcing the NodeSource CFP. At present, NodeSource is co-ordinating three events in Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and Seattle in late 2016 and early 2017. We are interested in submissions to the CFP for individuals interested in talking at those events.
Outside of those three events, though, we’re also looking to hear from Node.js and JavaScript developers, community members, and speakers worldwide who are working in or serving the developer and enterprise communities for other NodeSource speaking events.
What we're looking for...
We're putting out this CFP for our three upcoming events, in addition to collecting paper proposals for NodeSource events going beyond our planned events in 2016 and early 2017. We are most interested in:
20 minute talks 50 minute workshops Paper presentations
Submissions to the NodeSource CFP would ideally cover JavaScript and Node.js usage and topics that would be engaging and interesting to the individuals and organizations larger-scale Node operations.
Let’s do this
We want to hear from you! If you have an idea for a presentation (talk, workshop, or paper) that you’d like to share with the Node.js and JavaSript communities, we invite you to share it on our CFP. Whether you’re an experienced speaker or this is your first talk, we value your perspective. The NodeSource team will work with you to find the right audience. Hit us up on Twitter if you have any questions: @NodeSource.