Announcing NSolid V3.7.0
NodeSource just released NSolid v3.7.0, featuring the first official support of NSolid v12 Erbium! Now there are three available LTS Node.js versions for you to use with NSolid: Node.js 12 Erbium, Node.js 10 Dubnium, and Node.js 8 Carbon.
The N|Solid Runtime is supported on the following operating systems:
- macOS
- macOS 10.11
- macOS 10.12
- macOS 10.13
- Amazon Linux
- Amazon Linux AMI release 2015.09 and newer
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
- Debian
- Debian 8 (jessie)
- Debian 9 / stable (stretch)
- Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
- RHEL6 / CentOS 6
- RHEL7 / CentOS 7
- Fedora
- Fedora 27
- Fedora 28
- Fedora 29
- Fedora 30
- Alpine
- Alpine 3.3 and newer
You can download NSolid 3.7.0 at
Async Activity support has been removed for Dubnium and Erbium. Also, the policy feature has been removed from Erbium.
Release details:
NSolid v3.7.0 Carbon ships with support for Node.js v8.16.2.
- The Node.js 8 Carbon LTS release line will continue to be supported until December 31, 2019.
NSolid v3.7.0 Dubnium ships with support for Node.js v10.17.0
- The Node.js 10 Dubnium LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2021.
NSolid v3.7.0 Erbium ships with support for Node.js v12.13.0
- The Node.js 12 Erbium LTS release line will continue to be supported until April 30, 2022.
NSolid it’s a great tool for unparalleled observability, diagnostic monitoring, and profiling capabilities in production using Node.js, don’t forget to upgrade to use the latest features!