Infrastructure cost calculator - Nodesource

Infrastructure Cost Calculator

Big Savings with N|Solid

Observability Provider

Select from the list below

Infrastructure Provider

Select from the list below

Infrastructure Service

Select from the list below

Number of Processes

Select the number of processes below


To obtain metrics and traces:

Observability Provider

Total Infrastructure Cost

Number of Processes



Total Infrastructure Cost

Total Infrastructure Savings

(0% less!)

Number of Processes

(0% less!)

One of the main performance problems for a Node.js application in a production environment is the overhead coming from your APM. N|Solid was designed to be the most performant APM available. To see the benchmark this calculation was derived from, as well as other details around APM performance, visit this article.

This calculation is based on the assumption that you are using individual instances for each process, the Node.js application is using Fastify as the web framework and the price estimation is calculated according to the results for each APM published in our open-source project: